Waterkloof has gone solar and you can now check out this rather exciting film of our new system in action featuring our Cellarmaster Nadia Langenegger and Farm Manager Christiaan Loots: Waterkloof is Solar Powered – YouTube
With a newly installed 232.7KW solar plant having been operational throughout this year’s harvest, we thought it an opportune moment to take a look at the results so far:
(a) The solar system has spared the usage of 82.38tonnes of standard coal, which is the primary means for generating electricity in South Africa.
(b) Cut our CO2 emissions by 97.82tonnes which is the equivalent of planting 134 trees.
(c) All excess power is being fed back into the grid and helping power South Africa during times of significant electricity shortages throughout the country.
Of course, sustainability is not merely about the environment. Businesses must also be able to survive and thrive economically through taking these environmentally beneficial measures, so we’re delighted that the electricity costs savings we make will assist with paying off the capital expense of installation within 4 years.